Meet The Creator


Cleansers in the form of bar soaps to not only clean but includes properties to heal.

Serums and oils designed to moisturize the skin, minimize scars and blemishes, and protect elasticity.


Facial cleansers available to treat the skin by improving collagen, elasticity, and shine. Also helps to minimize blemishes and scarring from breakouts.

Hair Care

Products available to add moisture, shine, strength, and elasticity to maintain the hair shaft, follicle, and cuticle.

Health is Wealth

Lulus Lovess number one concern is a healthy body from the inside out. Allow our team to help you maintain your beauty from within.

"By far the best shea butter I have used in my life. It is soft, creamy, smooth, whipped, fragrant and some more adjectives."

Shelby C.

"Okay, so we love your product. I will send a pic of my son's hair, he is so excited that he has curls again."

Jana L.

"The product is so soft and light. A little bit goes a long way."

Ashley W.